For over a decade, the Wessel & Vett Fashion Prize has been an integral part of the Danish fashion industry, putting both the industry and brands on the world map. This year, they continue their close partnership with CPHFW, and in this context, TØJ interviewed Nina Wedell-Wedellsborg, founder of Denmark’s largest fashion award.


What role has the Wessel & Vett Fashion Prize played in recognizing Danish designers and brands over time?
Our mission has been simple from the start. We aim to support and strengthen the next generation of Danish fashion entrepreneurs and put Danish fashion on the world map. We strive to ensure the full potential of the greatest Danish fashion talents is realized, and that the designers behind them are equipped to build and manage a brand and business on an international level. I think we have been successful in this regard. Through advice from our mentors and jury members, our close collaboration with CPHFW, and all the opportunities it brings in terms of publicity and inclusion in press initiatives, we believe and hope that through guidance and financial support, we have contributed to helping brands and designers move in the right direction.

How does your focus on entrepreneurship and fashion innovation reflect the values underlying the foundation’s commitment to supporting Danish designers?

The prize was established by the Wessel & Vett Foundation in 2012 as an expression of its core values: entrepreneurship and creativity. The prize reflects the foundation’s commitment to supporting Danish design talent and building on the legacy of Magasin du Nord as a historic fashion industry. As the founder of the Wessel & Vett Fashion Prize, I am thrilled about our expansion and decision to include more established brands and experienced designers going forward. It’s a decision that reflects our commitment to supporting not just talent but also the potential to shape fashion on a global scale.

As a ‘Bursary Partner’ for CPHFW, how do you specifically contribute to supporting and promoting new talents within the fashion industry?

As a ‘Bursary Partner,’ we contribute to supporting and promoting particularly talented and promising Danish designers and brands through financial support in the form of a large cash prize, three paid shows during Copenhagen Fashion Week, and inclusion in CPHFW’s communication program and activities.

What does CPHFW succeed in doing from your perspective?

CPHFW is an incredibly competent organization that has put Denmark on the map as one of the world’s most important fashion destinations for many years. They manage to create visibility around Danish fashion design as something very special and sustainable. That’s why the synergy with the Wessel & Vett Fashion Prize makes so much sense. We work towards the same goals, and together we can continuously strengthen the Danish position for Danish fashion entrepreneurs.