Denne uges nyhed, om at moderselskabet bag Gerry Weber er presset på økonomien, spredte en masse hvirvelvind og usikkerhed i modebranchen. Men for den danske afdeling er det business as usual.

Den 25. januar 2019 benyttede Gerry Weber International AG mulighederne i den tyske lovgivning for at melde sig insolvent og under selvadministration. Ved at melde sig insolvent er det muligt for Gerry Weber International AG at komme ud af en række kontrakter, lukke uprofitable butikker og fokusere på ongoing profitable business. Meldingen er indtil videre at lukke 230 butikker og nedlægge 900 jobs.

Insolvensen involverer udelukkende Gerry Weber International AG. Ingen af de mange datterselskaber er påvirket og fortsætter med produktion, salg og levering af varer til nuværende og kommende kunder.

Ledelsen hos Gerry Weber International AG, bestående af Johannes Ehling (CEO) og Florian Frank (CRO), fortsætter i selskabet og beholder samme funktioner, ansvar og forpligtelser som tidligere.

Gerry Weber udstiller i disse dage på CIFF i showroom B0-201 og er klar til at tage imod kunder, hvor det er business as usual. Derfor er der ingen grund til bekymring hos hverken wholesellers eller retailers.

Præcisering af Gerry Weber fremgår her:

Due to the extensive number of media requests concerning individual retail spaces, GERRY WEBER International AG clarifies: Basically, the initialized preliminary insolvency proceedings under own administration only apply to GERRY WEBER International AG, not its subsidiaries, which among other functions run retail spaces. Consequently, the preliminary insolvency proceedings under own administration, requested on Friday 25 January 2019, have no immediate consequences for the individual retail spaces. Business continues as usual.

Further, GERRY WEBER already announced in December 2018 the closure of 230 retail spaces as part of the ongoing restructuring of the company. Spaces in question will be announced throughout the course of the ongoing restructuring.

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Continuation of operations

The proceedings under self-administration allow for a continuation of operations, maintaining the interests of the creditors, which are accounted for by the trustee. This also means, that existing customer and supplier relations, as well as all mutual commitments, remain unchanged in compliance with the insolvency law. In parallel, the restructuring is driven forward with increased pace. Key measures of the future concept are i.a.:

– Closure of around 230 retail spaces, as well as

– significant reduction of workforce equaling of up to 900 jobs, both nationally and internationally, including positions in our stores and retail spaces, as well as in centralized functions

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